Thursday 25 February 2010

More Evidence of the RUC/PSNI Being Unaccountable

At a recent DPP meeting in Derry former Republicans called for stop and search powers to be "suspended".

The motion was carried after a private vote in which Provisional Sinn Fein were in favour, the SDLP abstained, Unionists opposed and independents were split.

The Political Police have so far ignored this motion from the body that is supposedly there to hold them to account, so what does that tell us? Well it tells us what we already know, that the RUC/PSNI is an unaccountable force (or farce might be more suitable).

Now firstly i would like to know how long they want them "suspended" for and why did the irrelevants not demand for these illegal powers to be scrapped completely?

There are numerous examples on this blog which prove they are not accountable to anyone.

The British police have a stockpile of 50,000 lethal plastic bullets, PSF are apparently opposed to these but what have they done about it? They haven't done anything because they can't hold them to account.

They introduced lethal taser stun guns, PSF are also apparently opposed to these but what have they done about it? Not a thing, they voiced their opposition but the cops introduced them anyway.

They opened fire on men, women and children in Ardoyne last summer injuring several residents, how were they held to account for this? They weren't.

The irrelevants tell us to use the DPPs and support them, and if we have any concerns we should attend the meetings and raise our concerns. What is the point in that when the RUC/PSNI refuse to answer questions asked at these toothless meetings? This was proven at a DPP meeting in South Down when a former Republican asked a few basic questions and the senior cop refused to answer them.

I still don't understand why the irrelevants called for stop and search powers to be merely "suspended". How long do they want them "suspended" for?

And the SDLP should also be ashamed of themselves for not even opposing it even though it was deemed illegal by the Human Rights Court. School children have been victims of these draconian tactics, do the SDLP not oppose the abuse of human rights and child abuse?

Even if this motion was successful and the powers were "suspended" it wouldn't be good enough, these powers are illegal and should be completely done away with along with the British police.

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