Wednesday 12 August 2009

RUC/PSNI beat 14 Year old child and gas bystanders

I came across this video of the RUC/PSNI beating and dragging a 14 year old boy into an armoured landrover, when residents from this area in Derry came to the boys assistance they were also assaulted and had CS gas sprayed in their face.

What was the young lads crime i hear you ask?

He kicked the tyre of an armour plated, bomb proof, bullet proof, 9 ton landrover!!!!!!!!

Is this the new face of policing we were promised?

Is this the manners being put on them as was promised?

Im of the stern opinion that the only manners being meted out is on the Republican/Nationalist community.

We are always told that they are being held to account. When exactly have they been held to account? (apart from the time they admitted a hurl is not an offensive weapon)

How can this "police force" be held to account when they can order in British "special forces" at the drop of a hat, without even consulting the policing board?

This young lad and his family, friends, neighbours and those residents who came to his aid are certainly not going to support the masked and armed paramilitaries.

1 comment:

  1. Very good video of the police over reacting. In England if the police did that they would have been charged for assault as they are not allowed to hit anyone especially a minor.
