Firstly let us recall 2009 which was quite an eventful year for the liberation struggle.
I will list a few of the major events that occurred during the year and also some of the activities and events Republicans in Newry were involved in during 2009.

Just 3 months into 2009, Republican Volunteers successfully executed 2 enemy soldiers and wounded 2 other occupying troops at Massereene Barracks. The Volunteers then brazenly walked towards the enemy and continued to fire ensuring that they were successfully executed. 2 collaborators were also injured in the operation.

Days later Republican Insurgents struck again this time successfully executing a member of the British police in Craigavon. 2 local Republicans, JP Wootten and Brendan McConville are currently being held by enemy forces.

Shortly afterwards ,British Micro-Minister, Martin McGuiness stood beside the chief of the British Militia and labelled Irish Republicans as "traitors". Whatever honourable things Martin may have done in the past they went straight out the window with that remark. That's now what he will be remembered for.

In the days following the Massereene operation Lurgan Republican and former éírígí member Colin Duffy was arrested by enemy forces and held in captivity where he still languishes to this day.
Republicans in Newry immediately became involved in the campaign to free Colin having met him and his family in Lurgan shortly before his arrest. Since then we have organised several events to highlight his plight.
Brian Shivers was also arrested and almost died in custody. He has since been released on bail.

Throughout the year there were numerous gun, bomb and rocket attacks on enemy forces as mentioned earlier the Massereene and Craigavon operations, and also attacks such as the rocket launcher attack in Fermanagh, Bomb and gun attacks in Belfast and various other places, the South Armagh Village of Meigh was overtaken by Volunteers armed with AK47s and a rocket launcher as well as similar operations carried out in Fermanagh, bomb attacks in Castlewellan, Forkhill and the attack on the British Policing Board HQ in Belfast City Centre and in recent days the gun attack on an enemy barracks in South Armagh, there are Simply too many to mention.

In the Summer we were saddened to hear of the untimely death of Strabane Republican John Brady. John died in dubious circumstances whilst in custody of the British police (RUC/PSNI) in Strand Road barracks. He was giving full military honours at his funeral with a full gaurd of honour and in a fitting tribute to a true Irish Republican a volley of shots was fired over his tricolour draped coffin.

Also in the Summer the RUC/PSNI showed their true colours again when they opened fire on men, women and children with lethal plastic bullets in Ardoyne injuring many people. During 2009 Ardoyne residents asked Republicans from Newry to come and stand in solidarity with them and protest against sectarian parades being forced through their area, we were only too happy to oblige and will do so again if needs be.
One thing that stood out in 2009 was the increase in harassment, intimidation, threats, assaults, raids and arrests carried out by the British police against Republicans. Thankfully more and more people are realising that the RUC/PSNI has not changed one bit.
Slogans were also painted demanding the release of Colin (these were removed at the behest of Anti-Republicans).

We attended numerous pickets in support of Colin and his family in various places throughout the year.
éírígí defiantly declared that “We will not allow Britain’s occupation of Irish territory to go unchallenged.”
So what lies ahead in 2010?
Well already Republicans in Newry have several major projects in the pipeline for during the year, and we look forward to 2010 with confidence, so watch this space!!!
One thing i can promise you is that Republicanism in Newry will continue to grow and gain support in 2010 and we will be to the fore in the struggle for Irish liberation.