I was shocked to hear the news that last night that a comrade of mine had his home attacked in North Belfast. 2 suspected blast bombs were thrown at his house by cowards. The RUC/PSNI have also told him that shots were possibly fired.
The person in question is a tireless Republican activist and community worker. If people think that attacks like this will stop Republicans from helping their communities then they are very badly mistaken.
Another North Belfast Republican, Mairtin Óg Meehan was on his way over to his comrades house to see if he was ok following the bomb/gun attack. He was stopped by enemy forces using section 44 and 21. When he asked why he was being stopped under anti-terrorist legislation and what exactly it entailed he was sprayed in the face with CS gas, handcuffed and dragged from the car. He was told he was being taken to Antrim Road barracks for obstruction.
Mairtin asked for a doctor because of his heart condition and was told he could "fucking wait to see one in the barracks."
The following statement was released by the Republican Network for Unity
Call for the release of North Belfast Chairperson Mairtin Og Meehan
“On Sunday evening at 21:45pm, North Belfast Chairperson of the RNU, Mairtin Og Meehan was travelling to the home of a member of CFAD (Concerned Families Against Drugs) which had recently been attacked, in order to ensure that the family were safe. He was stopped by members of the RUC/PSNI who tried to detain him under Section 44. When he enquired as to why he was being held under ‘anti-terrorist’ legislation, the RUC/PSNI responded by spraying him in the face with CS Gas, and forcibly removing him from the car in which he was travelling. He was then subsequently arrested and taken to Antrim ‘serious crime’ suite.This is yet the latest in a growing number of members of the RNU who have been subjected to overt acts of political policing, harassment, detention and arrest in recent months. The Republican Network for Unity calls for the immediate release of Mairtin Og Meehan.”
Thankfully Mairtin Óg was released this morning but had to receive treatment in hospital. It's very clear that harassment is on the increase, as well as Political Policing. Recently we have seen political policing, intimidation, harassment and assaults all over the Occupied 6 counties.
Another North Belfast community activist was also arrested by the RUC/PSNI last night and is currently still being held.
Republicans wont be intimidated by any thugs whether they wear an RUC/PSNI uniform or not.
These attacks need to be condemned by everyone, selective condemnation is not good enough.
Our comrades in Belfast have the full support of Republicans in Newry.