Below you will find the full text of the speech made in Ardoyne by Davy Glennon. In his speech he points out how history is repeating itself and how former comrades use smear tactics and innuendo to try and belittle Republicans. For many Republicans Davy hit the nail on the head.
"I would like to thank the RNU for inviting me here to speak at the 100th Anniversary of na Fianna Éireann and to commemorate four brave young fianna volunteers who died in the struggle for Irish Freedom.
Volunteer David McAuley died from an accidental discharge, Volunteers Josh Campbell, Josie McComiskey and Bernard Fox all died in 3 seperate gun battles with the British army.
The bravery of these four volunteers epitomised what na Fianna Éireann were all about and it is a credit to the people of Ardoyne that so many young Ardoyne men filled its ranks and later went on to fight the British in the ranks of the IRA.
While we gather here to remember the ranks of Na Fianna and its dead volunteers with a sense of pride and sadness, I'm sure many are also feeling a deep sense of sadness at where the Republican struggle is at today and how so many former comrades are now involved in smear and innuendo tactics at the very people who helped organise todays commemoration and against the very people who stand here united in pride and sadness.
I think that we only have to look back at the British treaty of 1922 to see how the British used the age old tactic of divide and conquer, when they successfully managed to turn Republican against Republican.
It seems unbelievable that the British could have convinced Republicans to torture and slaughter their former comrades because of their opposition to the British treaty, yet they did!
The fear for all Republican people today is the British will succeed again and we must ensure that this never happens.
To the people that accept todays treaty, i would say that your beliefs are your beliefs, but remember your history. And don't let the British turn you against the Republican people, do not listen to the lies and the smears and the innuendo, in fact i would go further and ask you the question of those spreading the smearing of Republicans and ask are these people acting like true Republicans or are they acting like agents of the British?
If i could leave here today with a message, it would be for all Republicans to remember that the enemy is not Republicans but rather the British Government and all its apparatus of oppression.
It should also be noticed by all in attendance here that the ranks of this crowd are filled with Republican comrades from various groups and they stand in unity with us in opposition to todays treaty with the British Government, and i would like to thank each and every one of you who are here today.
Finally i would like to say a personal thank you to the people of Ardoyne, for all their contributions over the years in struggle against the British and i know that in the years to come Republicanism in Ardoyne will continue to shine out like a beacon to the rest of Ireland.
God Bless you all."
"I would like to thank the RNU for inviting me here to speak at the 100th Anniversary of na Fianna Éireann and to commemorate four brave young fianna volunteers who died in the struggle for Irish Freedom.
Volunteer David McAuley died from an accidental discharge, Volunteers Josh Campbell, Josie McComiskey and Bernard Fox all died in 3 seperate gun battles with the British army.
The bravery of these four volunteers epitomised what na Fianna Éireann were all about and it is a credit to the people of Ardoyne that so many young Ardoyne men filled its ranks and later went on to fight the British in the ranks of the IRA.
While we gather here to remember the ranks of Na Fianna and its dead volunteers with a sense of pride and sadness, I'm sure many are also feeling a deep sense of sadness at where the Republican struggle is at today and how so many former comrades are now involved in smear and innuendo tactics at the very people who helped organise todays commemoration and against the very people who stand here united in pride and sadness.
I think that we only have to look back at the British treaty of 1922 to see how the British used the age old tactic of divide and conquer, when they successfully managed to turn Republican against Republican.
It seems unbelievable that the British could have convinced Republicans to torture and slaughter their former comrades because of their opposition to the British treaty, yet they did!
The fear for all Republican people today is the British will succeed again and we must ensure that this never happens.
To the people that accept todays treaty, i would say that your beliefs are your beliefs, but remember your history. And don't let the British turn you against the Republican people, do not listen to the lies and the smears and the innuendo, in fact i would go further and ask you the question of those spreading the smearing of Republicans and ask are these people acting like true Republicans or are they acting like agents of the British?
If i could leave here today with a message, it would be for all Republicans to remember that the enemy is not Republicans but rather the British Government and all its apparatus of oppression.
It should also be noticed by all in attendance here that the ranks of this crowd are filled with Republican comrades from various groups and they stand in unity with us in opposition to todays treaty with the British Government, and i would like to thank each and every one of you who are here today.
Finally i would like to say a personal thank you to the people of Ardoyne, for all their contributions over the years in struggle against the British and i know that in the years to come Republicanism in Ardoyne will continue to shine out like a beacon to the rest of Ireland.
God Bless you all."
Former comrades label Republicans as "no-hopers", "Micro-groups", "Dissidents", "criminals", and even "traitors". Those on the receiving end of these verbal attacks are Republicans that have stayed true to their beliefs, those dishing out the slander are those who chose a different path and left us.
I might disagree with them but I personally wouldn't label the Provisional Movement as sell outs or traitors. They chose to go down a different road, let them get on with it.
Thankfully the majority of attacks on Republicans have been harmless verbal slander, but things took a worrying twist a few weeks ago in Belfast. Lifelong Republican, community activist and former POW Tony Catney was delivering leaflets in West Belfast. The leaflets were about community issues such as the annual residents group AGM and a future Xmas party for the kids. Tony had the sad misfortune to post one of these community leaflets, complete with a picture of Santa, through the door of a member of the PSF executive. It was when approaching the home that he initially came under verbal abuse. After being told not to be “Trying to put any of that s*** through my letter box” and “take yourself off to f**k from my path” the Community activist tried telling his abuser that the leaflet was concerning a matter of interest to the residents in his street. No sooner had he said this than the unprovoked physical attack began. He was repeatedly punched, had his shirt pulled up over his head and in the process of the assault sustained cuts and bruising to his face and body
Is this a sign of things to come? Will former comrades who disagree with us resort to physically attacking us?
I would say to our former comrades that instead of verbally and physically attacking Republicans, maybe they should sit down and ask themselves a few important questions
Our former comrades need to ask themselves who their enemy is
Is it those who are opposing British Rule?
or is it those enforcing British Rule?