Wednesday 28 April 2010

RUC/PSNI Dirty Tricks Continue

Yet again we have concrete proof of the unchanged nature of British policing in Ireland. This unchanged force are still using the tactics they have always used. Their history of framing and attempting to set up Republicans is well known.

In recent days this sinister paramilitary force has once again raised it's ugly head, this time they attempted to use a vulnerable young man to do their dirty work. The political police forced a young Belfast man to gather information on a  number of Belfast Republicans, more worryingly they tried to make him plant explosives and weapons on Republicans in an attempt to set them up. The use of these sinister tactics have in the past resulted in arrests, imprisonments and deaths!

This proves once again that the RUC/PSNI is unchangeable. Former Republicans tell us that times have changed and so has the "PSNI", yet it has been proven time and time again that this isn't the case.

Yet despite all of this, former comrades continue to support the enemies of Ireland, and call for people to turn informer on Irish Republicans.

"The "PSNI" remains a British police force, enforcing British law in support of the British ‘justice’ system. Like police forces across the capitalist world its primary aim will remain the protection of the state and the interests of the ruling class; interests which run in direct contradiction to the interests of the working class."


  1. "The political police forced a young Belfast man to gather information on a number of Belfast Republicans, more worryingly they tried to make him plant explosives and weapons on Republicans in an attempt to set them up."

    This is outragious! The police are getting deperate to make arrests so it looks like they are winning against the RIRA and CIRA. So the public will think that the police are cracking down on suspected pathetic! Frame ups...nothing changes there.

  2. "The "PSNI" remains a British police force, enforcing British law in support of the British ‘justice’ system. Like police forces across the capitalist world its primary aim will remain the protection of the state and the interests of the ruling class; interests which run in direct contradiction to the interests of the working class."

    This above is true as the British have recently stated that they want to "introduce a class system based on class rather than religion."
